
Not a fan of screens, in general

I am kind of a weirdo when people always want something bigger and bigger, but I go in the opposite direction. I think I feel not so comfortable with big screens, in general, such as big phones, big monitors, etc.

It is not about getting used to or not because I changed my IP8 to IP15 approximately 8 months already but I still prefer my small phone screen as before.

Now I got a 27-inch monitor from the company, and I ordered it because I tried to persuade myself that I work on the design field and a big monitor is better, and everybody has big monitor for daily work so maybe it will support me to be more productive, but well… I tried and I felt like besides it helped to both seeing my colleagues’ faces on meeting at the same time we were collaborating on Miro and yes it also helps me to compare stuff more easily when needed, I don’t feel it is that helpful to me but feel more overwhelming and distracted when switching back and forth.

Then I asked myself so how I was before getting the big monitor and a bigger phone screen. The answer is I was very productive and focused. Therefore, the next question is: Why do I need bigger screens, which are currently making me feel tired and feel like I am less focused?

With those answers, I decided to shift my daily usage back to smaller phone screens, and put the monitor out of my working desk 😀 still waiting for how I will need it again in following days, but I am pretty sure I can survive well without them 😀

I am so in love with the minimalist style and I feel happier when my desk has more space and my room does not create in me an industrial feeling when every time I enter the room I have to see immediately the 27-inch monitor in my lovely working corner and my lovely decorated room…

Let’s see how this goes for a weirdo like me 😀